The UK General Data Protection Regulation ( UK GDPR) came into force on 1 January 2021. It sets out the key principles, rights and obligations for most processing of personal data in the UK. Our Privacy Notice can be found here:

DOB Privacy Notice



Consent forms:  to be used when collecting Special Category Data (religion, health etc.) and/or when you wish to use data beyond its original purpose

  • Ministers’ Rotas
  • The Sick and Housebound
  • Volunteers
  • Sacramental Occasions

Consent Form – Rotas 23.05.18

Revised Consent Form – Sick and Housebound 26.06.18

Revised Consent Form for Sacramental Occasions 26.06.18

Consent Form – Volunteers for events 23.05.18

Short-form Privacy Notices:  to be used where you are not collecting Special Category Data, or where you have no intention of using the data beyond its original purpose

Privacy Notices 25.05.18

Revised FAQs 03.07.18

Notices for CCTV and live-streaming of Masses


Where live-streaming is taking place, the following notice must be displayed in order that all church attendees are aware that the service is being live-streamed:


Where live-streaming is in place and individuals will be clearly identifiable on the live-stream ( e.g. altar server, musician, reader), then consent must be sought in order for that person to appear on the live-stream. Where that individual is under 18, parental consent must be sought. Where live-streaming is not in place, consent is not required. The following Photo-Video-Consent form may be used for this purpose.

Data Protection Photo Video Consent

Further consent and safeguarding specific forms/notices may be found on the Safeguarding section of the website:

A safeguarding specific privacy notice can be found here: DOB Safeguarding Privacy Notice

Any other questions?  Please e-mail [email protected]