John attacks those who have relied on their status and their traditions for their salvation, but the main purpose of his preaching is to prepare us for the coming of Christ. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
Gospel Reflections
‘Stay awake’
This reading for the 26th/27th November emphasises the need for trustful perseverance as we live our lives in hope and love. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Today you will be with me in paradise’
The heart of the message of this gospel is that Jesus welcomes the repentant sinner, no matter how grievous his offence, into the kingdom of God, says Fr Adrian Graffy.
‘Your endurance will win you your lives’
In this reading for the 12th/13th November, Jesus’ words about the future destruction of the Temple lead into broader teachings about trust in God in the midst of disasters and persecutions. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘To him all men are in fact alive’
In this reading for the 5th/6th November, in an exchange which demonstrates the increasing hostility of the Jewish leaders, Jesus refutes the position of the Sadducees in relation to the life of the resurrection.
‘This man too is a son of Abraham’
In this reading for the 29th/30th October, Jesus declares that the purpose of his coming is ‘to seek out and save what was lost’ – and his forgiveness brings profound changes to Zacchaeus’ life. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘The man who humbles himself will be exalted’
In this reading for the 22nd/23rd October, the story of the tax collector and the Pharisee shows that being ‘at rights with God’ is not a result of our own efforts to accumulate good deeds, but comes as a free gift to those who acknowledge their sinfulness and believe in the forgiveness Christ offers. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘He will see justice done’
In this reading for the 15th/16th October, we are presented with a stark choice, says Fr Adrian Graffy. Are we people of faith who amid all the troubles of the world know that we are in the hands of God? Or are we faithless and despairing?
‘Your faith has saved you’
In this reading for the 8th/9th October, only the Samaritan leper, an outcast due to both his sickness and his race, shows gratitude for his healing – and hears the words of salvation. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘We are merely servants’
In the reading for the 1st/2nd October, Jesus has seemingly hard messages for his disciples. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects that God does not demand huge achievements from us. To seek to serve is all that is necessary.