The extraordinarily rich story of the magi teaches us about the mission of the Son of God. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
Gospel Reflections
‘This child is destined for the fall and the rising of many’
The Presentation at the Temple is of profound significance, signalling the willingness of Jesus to do the will of the Father. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘You must not put the Lord your God to the test’
In this reading for the first Sunday of Lent, three distinct temptations invite Jesus to abuse his miraculous powers for selfish ends. While he has the same power of choice that we have, he does not succumb to the lure of evil. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘You cannot be the slave both of God and of money’
In this reading for the 25th/26th February, Jesus’ words have an extraordinary immediacy for the world of today – a world enslaved to false values. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you’
Jesus’ teaching in this reading is a difficult one for people of today, and indeed of any time, for it urges us to endure without retaliating when evil is done to us. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘I have come not to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to complete them’
In this reading for the 11th/12th February, Jesus deepens the traditional teaching of the Jews and offers radical new understandings of tenets of the Law. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Your light must shine in the sight of men’
In this reading for the 4th/5th February, Jesus challenges his disciples – and us – to live transparently good lives. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand’
In this reading for the 21st/22nd January Matthew tells us that Jesus brings light not only to Israel but to the nations too, to all those who ‘live in darkness’. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘He is the chosen one of God’
In this reading for the 14th/15th January, the evangelist focuses on the witness given to Jesus by John the Baptist. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus’
In this reading Joseph has to go against his own inclinations in order to do the will of God and take Mary home with him. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.