Mary’s fiat is a turning point in history for it enables the Son of God to become a human being – and is an example to all who endeavour to follow Jesus. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
Gospel Reflections
‘A light that shines in the dark’
The darkness of sin and death cannot overcome the light of Christ. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects on this week’s Scripture readings.
‘The Word was made flesh and lived among us’
The feast of Christ’s birth invites us to renew our faith and welcome the Word of light into our lives again. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Happy the peacemakers: they shall be called sons of God’
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us about the values, attitudes and actions of those who truly seek God. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Little girl, I tell you to get up’
This account of the raising of Jairus’ daughter invites us to reflect on the gift of eternal life promised us by Jesus. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Follow me and I will make you into fishers of men’
In this reading we hear how the first disciples respond immediately to Jesus’ summons, leaving their work and their family ties behind without reluctance. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘He let his glory be seen’
The transformation of the water into wine in this week’s reading tells us that Jesus brings a new time, a time of richness and fulfilment. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘The Word was made flesh and lived among us’
John the evangelist calls Jesus ‘the Word’, for in him God has spoken his fullest word to the human race. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘‘They all ate as much as they wanted’’
The story of the feeding of the five thousand can be understood in various ways, but the most powerful interpretation is that it prepares us for the gift of himself which Jesus will give in death. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church’
The words of Jesus to Peter in Matthew’s gospel are words of assurance, for it is Christ who will build the Church and Christ who endows Peter with authority. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.