The compassion that motivated Jesus must be our motivation too in offering the good news to others. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
Gospel Reflections
‘I am the living bread which has come down from heaven’
In this week’s reading, Jesus focuses on the Eucharist, in which we receive repeatedly the once-and-for-all gift of the Bread of Life. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son’
This week’s reading challenges us to embrace what is good and shun what is bad, telling us that if we reject goodness, it is not God who condemns us: we condemn ourselves. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you’
In this reading, Jesus demonstrates the power of the Spirit, relating it to the preaching of forgiveness and the possibility of new life for those who ask for it. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘Glorify your Son so that your Son may glorify you’
In this reading Jesus asks his Father to let him give eternal life to all those entrusted to him. He prays not for the world but for those who believe. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘I will not leave you orphans’
In this reading Jesus assures his disciples that the bond between them will endure after his departure, and will be maintained by the Spirit. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’
As Jesus prepares to leave his disciples, he offers them words of reassurance, words which emphasise that in him truth and life are to be found. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘I am the gate of the sheepfold’
The parables in this week’s reading show that not only does Jesus lead his people, but he is also the way through which they enter to reach life. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘The Lord has risen’
In the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus the Risen Jesus brings new hope to two men who have lost all hope. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.
‘My Lord and my God!’
In this reading Thomas overcomes his reluctance to believe, giving the fullest declaration of faith in Christ found anywhere in the gospels. Fr Adrian Graffy reflects.