Brentwood Cathedral will be floodlit in red during the month of November, to call to mind the suffering of Christian communities, particularly in the Middle East. Meanwhile ACN is asking people to wear red in solidarity with those being persecuted on Red Wednesday, 23rd November.
Fr Dominic Howarth visited the Calais camp again last week. Read his latest reflection on the plight of refugees there, as the authorities prepare to demolish the site.
Award-winning charity Caritas Anchor House has been praised for the support it provides for homeless people, not only in putting a roof over the heads but in helping them turn their lives around.
On World Mission Sunday on 23 October this year, Missio will be encouraging Catholics to help ‘Heal the Broken-Hearted’ in Rwanda and throughout the world. The Pope’s worldwide collection is a real sign of God’s mercy and love to our sisters and brothers around the world who are suffering through war and conflict.
As ACN plans to commemorate the persecuted in November, Lord Alton challenges parishes to stand up for those who are suffering and dying for their beliefs.