A new telephone system has been installed at Cathedral House

A new telephone system has now been installed at Cathedral House, which is home to the departments for administration, finance, liturgy, music, archives and so on, and the Cathedral Parish itself. We had been experiencing technical issues which meant that, although a dial tone was present for callers, the departments themselves were unobtainable.  Enquirers can

Join Clayhall Parish for a special 40 hours devotion weekend

Forty hours of Continuous Eucharistic Adoration during Lent (night and day except during Mass) will take place on the weekend of 16-17 March at St John Vianney Catholic Church, 1 Stoneleigh Road, Clayhall, Ilford IG5 0HE, starting with Mass of Exposition and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament at 7am on the Saturday and ending with

Fr Adrian Graffy celebrates 50 years as priest and Biblical scholar

‘A Fire in my Heart: a conversation with Biblical friends’ brought together the Archbishop of Lima Carlos Castillo, Secretary of the Biblical Commission Professor Nuria Calduch-Benages, as well as Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz, Dean of Studies at Allen Hall, and Dr Sean Ryan, chair of the Catholic Biblical Association.