Seeing God through an astronomer’s eyes

Gidea Park parish has a stellar speaker booked for its fifth study day on 10 June: Brother Guy Consolmagno is Director of the Vatican Observatory, an acclaimed astronomer - and a Jesuit like Pope Francis.

Talent pays off at Palmer Academy

A talent show featuring Bollywood dancing, a magician, a female rapper, a band of Year 8 students, African dancing and even a teacher on a unicycle raised £800 for bccs recently.

Aquinas Trust schools celebrate unity and community

Students and staff from Our Lady & St George, St Patrick's, St Mary's, St Joseph's Infant and Junior Primary Schools, Holy Family School & Sixth Form, St John’s School and Trinity High School came together at Walthamstow for the first Aquinas Trust Mass.

Brentwood archivist becomes an FSA

Fr Stewart Foster is the first Brentwood priest to be elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, a body charged with promoting all aspects of our cultural heritage. .