Young people from across the diocese came together to hear an inspirational talk by Barry and Margaret Mizen at the launch of SiLent, a national project which celebrates the value of silence - and raises money to support youth projects.
In his letter for the 26th World Day of the Sick - 11 February 2018 - Pope Francis says the Church must continue its mission to care for the sick with renewed vigour.
Fr Adrian Graffy, Scripture scholar and member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, summarises his two recent talks at his Gidea Park parish. At the next study day on Wednesday 7 March Mgr David Manson will prepare us for Holy Week .
Social justice organisations working across the diocese, often with the poorest and most marginalised in society, came together at Abbotswick to discuss the new initiative.
The SiLent project offers ideas and encouragement for young people to rediscover the value of silence, and raises money to support youth projects. Come and find out more at a talk by Barry and Margaret Mizen on Wednesday 7 February at Brentwood Cathedral.
The week-long Mission at St Peter's will be led by Fr José Costa, a Canadian priest of the Congregation of the Family of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, based in Fatima. It is part of the parish's response to the Diocesan Renewal and Restructuring initiative.