The Bishops say: “We are not merely the passive recipients of politics but active citizens. An election is the best time for us as Christians to speak out, to get involved, and to lead.”
A new document on disarmament and the ethical use of weapons has been released by the International Affairs department of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
The Requiem Mass for Fr Derek Powney RIP was celebrated on Thursday 16 May at 12 noon at St Margaret’s church, Edinburgh. The main celebrant was Archbishop Leo Cushley whom Fr Derek knew well. Fr Derek will be cremated and his ashes interred at Mortonhall Crematorium. Born in Bournemouth in 1940 and raised as a
Over 190 people, including family, attended the special Golden Jubilee Anniversary Mass at Grays which was concelebrated with Bishop Alan Williams, Canon Stephen Myers, long-term friends and fellow golden jubilarians both Fr Guy Sawyer and Fr Joseph Farrell, Fr Paul Boagey, Fr David Pearce and Fr Anthony Cho.
Bishop Sherrington is deeply concerned about two amendments which seek to liberalise abortion laws and is encouraging people to contact their MPs to make their views clear, ahead of next week's vote.
Multiple charities have benefitted from fantastic fundraising at the school over the last year: despite these challenging times staff, pupils and parents continue to support people in their local community and beyond.
This annual event takes place near the Feast of St Joseph the Worker and celebrates the valuable contribution migrants make to life in the Archdiocese of Southwark, the Diocese of Westminster and the Diocese of Brentwood.
Donations made to CAFOD's Sudan crisis appeal will go towards supporting families in Sudan and surrounding countries, who are already contending with extreme hunger, as communities strive to stop the crisis becoming the worst in living memory.