The parish of St Joseph the Worker in Hutton celebrated two significant dates in July: 60 years since it opened in a temporary church and 50 years since its present church was built.
Interested in finding out more about the permanent diaconate and how its role might develop in our diocese? Come to a study day at Epping in September.
Fr Adrian Graffy has organised a range of events to celebrate a 'Year of the God who Speaks', which begins in October 2019 and marks the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
A statement has been issued by the lead Catholic and Church of England bishops on the final report into support for persecuted Christians by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
More than 400 people came together to celebrate their faith, including children who had just made their first Holy Communion and representatives from schools in the town.
The Celebrating Young People awards, which took place on 3 July, saw hundreds of young people nominated in six categories, each celebrating a different aspect of Catholic social teaching lived out in action.