The Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice brings together academics, charities, religious orders and social movements who are engaged in Catholic social thought and practice, and facilitates an ongoing conversation about how to think, talk, and act in response to our rapidly changing context and the social thought of the Church.
Mini Vinnies and Youth SVP groups travelled in pilgrimage from Dioceses of Arundel & Brighton, Brentwood, Southwark and Westminster for the gathering in Southwark.
Stella Maris teams answer Jesus' call to give hospitality to the stranger. On Sea Sunday let us remember seafarers facing conflict, abandonment and tough times.
Bishop McAleenan: “During Refugee Week, I invite everyone to join in prayer and reflect on our understanding and belief that every person is made in the image and likeness of God. Let us remember that we all seek the same fundamental needs – safety, acceptance and a place to call home.”
Parishioners at St Edward the Confessor in Romford are celebrating a significant refurbishment and extension project many years in coming - as the latest milestone in a Grade II listed church which is very precious not only to Catholics, but to the wider community.
CSAN members, led by Caritas Brentwood, have created resources to help schools engage with Refugee Week and understand the Catholic response to migrants and refugees.