The Catholic Bishops of England & Wales have made this statement in response to recommendations in both the IICSA Report and an Independent Review of Safeguarding Structures and Arrangements in the Catholic Church in England & Wales.
Youth ministry teams from across England and Wales will host this exciting live-streamed event, leading young people in prayer and fun activities throughout the day.
National Youth Sunday 2020 takes place on Sunday 22 November, the feast of Christ the King. National Youth Sunday represents an opportunity to explicitly recognise young people as a gift in the Church and affirm their contribution in the life of the local and universal Church. National Youth Sunday usually provides parishes with an opportunity
Bishop Alan writes: "I want to thank clergy for all they are doing to care pastorally for people and to proclaim the presence and love of Jesus Christ at this time and in the difficult times ahead."
It is at such times of crisis that we are especially called to be kind, to extend the hand of friendship, and to embrace life as a time for meaningful interactions with our fellow men and women, says Bishop Mason.
Statement from the President and the Vice-President of the Conference on the National Lockdown On Wednesday, Parliament passed into law the Regulations governing many aspects of activity in the whole of England until 2nd December. These Regulations prohibit the gathering of people for communal worship in churches and other religious buildings. Churches remain open and
While disappointed by the suspension of public Masses, Bishop Alan Williams sm commends the resilience of people, priests and parishioners in supporting national guidelines in solidarity with fellow citizens.