The Catholic Bishops' website offers a number of resources for World Communications Day, including Fr Paul Grogan's reflection on his journey through ministry in the Bradford parish of ‘Mary, Mother of God’, encapsulated on film by Michael Whyte.
Entrants to this RENATE competition are invited to produce a short film individually or as part of a teamaround the slogan ‘Slavery - Human Trafficking - Near YOU!', and some or all of the tags #StopTheDemand, #BreakTheChains, #EndTheCycleTOGETHER.
Guided by the Shrines around the world, all the faithful during the month of May are being asked to unite in the recitation of the Holy Rosary to ask for the end of the pandemic and the resumption of social and work activities.
A panel of eminent medical experts will share the latest information on the COVID-19 vaccines at this webinar for the three London dioceses. There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions anonymously.