Erin Walsh, along with 17 other young Catholics who volunteer with CAFOD, will be voicing their concerns about how we rebuild post-pandemic at the G7 Summit fringe events this weekend.
Thresholds of Hope offers an accessible and engaging way to find out more about faith and relationship with Christ – whether you are a committed Catholic or simply enquiring.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament gives us the opportunity to come into the Lord’s Eucharistic presence and quietly speak to him, to listen to what he says to us in silent contemplation, to be enfolded in his abundant love and to offer him the joys and sorrows of our daily life.
CAFOD: “The decisions taken in this and the COP26 meeting will affect millions of people around the world. As host, Britain is in a unique position to exercise global leadership in the journey towards a greener and fairer world after the pandemic.”
The Bishops' Pastoral Letter for Pentecost says: "We cannot leave the healing of our common home and the wellbeing and care of our brothers and sisters merely to a response from industry and governments. We all have a part to play, each and every one of us, in the routines, choices and decisions of our everyday lives and our aspirations for the future."
To celebrate the end of the Laudato Si’ Special Anniversary Year, Pope Francis is inviting the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics to participate in Laudato Si’ Week 2021, to be held 16-24 May. The Vatican-sponsored celebration will bring Catholics together to rejoice in the great progress they’ve made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life and to
Bishop Declan Lang, Chair of the Bishops’ International Affairs department, has echoed calls for an end to “the occupation, discrimination and human rights violations that propagate violent attacks on civilians, standing in the way of a stable and peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis”
The Bishops reflected on the experience of the last year and on the need to encourage parishioners to return with confidence to their parish churches for the celebration of Sunday Mass.