The Thresholds of Hope youtube channel is giving those unable to attend in person an opportunity to enjoy a Christmas Lessons and Carols Service from Brentwood Cathedral.
The Catholic Bishops' Conference has published guidance for safe communal worship in Catholic churches, following the new Government directive on restrictions to counter the Omicron variant.
This service took place on the Sunday 28 November at 4.00 p.m. in Brentwood Cathedral. Presider: Bishop Alan Williams with the Brentwood Cathedral Choir. Bishop Alan said: “This is a beautiful and uplifting way to prepare ourselves for the celebration of Christ’s birth and for that time when He will come again.”
The Bill would create a two-tier system which would discriminate against refugees depending on method of entry to the country, would expand detention-like centres and deepen a culture of suspicion which often greets asylum seekers, says CSAN.
Helen O'Shea, national president of SVP, says: "We need a strong commitment from the Government to tackle this hidden crisis, including policies to tackle insecure work, the high cost of childcare and low wages."