Welcoming people of all faiths and none, Pilgrim Ways offers inspiring pilgrimages across the country for 'hearts in search of God' or meaning in their lives.
In recognition of her outstanding commitment and service to the Diocese of Brentwood and her administrative services on behalf of the Canon Law Society, Clare was awarded the Papal honour of Dame of St. Gregory the Great in 2002.
The statement highlights the fact that too many people live in a position where they lack financial security and risk falling into poverty and debt, and asks the Government to address these problems without neglecting obligations to aid poorer countries or to reduce carbon emissions.
The groups highlight the latest assessment of the two-child cap, published by the University of York, which found that the policy had “a negative impact on people’s mental health, increasing stress and anxiety, and harming their well-being, with knock-on effects on children's opportunities and wellbeing”.
World Mission Sunday is a lifeline for missionaries like Sr Mary, who give their whole lives to bring the love and hope of Jesus to situations of extreme poverty and injustice. Please support her if you can.
Friends of the Holy Land is asking all Christians and people of other faiths to unite in prayer for all who have lost their lives in the terrible events in the Holy Land, for the immediate release of those taken hostage and for all those living in the Holy Land in their anguish, fear and desperation.
In the Exhortation, Pope Francis calls for a new global framework to establish effective rules to safeguard the environment, says Bishop John. “Clearly, the way we are currently living our lives is unsustainable. We need urgent political action, on a global scale, to address this crisis before it’s too late.”
Pact, the Prison Advice and Care Trust, supports prisoners, people with convictions, and their children and families to live lives that bear good fruit. Please support Prisoners' Sunday on 8 October.