What is God saying to my heart ?
Have I prayed and encouraged others to
think about God’s call?”
As Good Shepherd Sunday, or the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, approaches, Brentwood Vocations Promoter, Fr Mark Swires, has sent prayer cards to all parishes, asking them to pray for vocations to the priesthood for our diocese and for those currently training for the priesthood. The prayer card has a picture of Christ the Good Shepherd and a prayer on the reverse side.
He says: “A second collection at all parishes this Sunday will support the education and formation of our seminarians.”
Brentwood Vocations continue to have monthly evenings for enquirers and those who are exploring a vocation.
What is God saying to my heart ?
Have I prayed and encouraged others to
think about God’s call?
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have chosen the Apostles and their
successors, the Bishops and priests of the
Catholic Church, to preach the true Faith
throughout the whole world. We earnestly
beseech You to choose from among us in
this parish, priests and religious who will
gladly spend their entire lives to make You
better known and loved.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us.
St Joseph pray for us.
St John Vianney pray for us.