To mark our Diocesan Centenary, Brentwood Diocesan Archives has published The Diocese of Brentwood:100 Years in Pictures.
This souvenir booklet of 110 pages contains more than 300 colour and black and white photographs, each with an explanatory caption, and seeks to capture the story of how the Church has developed in Essex and East London since the establishment of the Diocese of Brentwood in 1917. Bishop Alan has written the foreword to the publication, which has been compiled and edited by diocesan archivist Fr Stewart Foster, while Shea Lolin has been responsible for its layout. Shea, a parishioner at Manor Park and a former pupil of Canon Palmer School, Ilford, is a professional musician and, as an organist, will be well known in many of the parishes in East London. He is co-ordinating the Centenary Choirs Celebration at St Antony’s, Forest Gate, on 29 April.
Said Fr Stewart: “Shea is also very accomplished in book production – indeed he did a similar job last year for A Priest Like Denis, the commemorative booklet for Father Denis Hall. The Diocesan Centenary Committee hopes that parishes, convents and schools will consider making the booklet available: a suggested donation is £7 per copy (plus £2 postage & packing if sent by mail). Cheques should be made in favour of BRCDT. Copies are available from: Centenary Booklet, Brentwood Diocesan Archives, Cathedral House, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex CM15 8AT.”