Caritas challenges for Lent

Caritas Diocese of Brentwood is inviting you to take part in several activities during Lent.

Says Director Siân Thomas-Cullinan: “We have a photo challenge for all ages, Stations of the Cross for teenagers, a Giving Calendar to help collections for local foodbanks, suggestions on how to raise awareness for the homeless within Essex and East London and some great resources from charities such as SVP and CAFOD.”

The CARITAS Photo Challenge encourages people to appreciate the beauty in their local environment, capturing everyday moments like the splendour of flowers, architecture, and community connections, fostering a deeper connection with God and emphasising our shared responsibility to care for our common home.

The Stations of the Cross (WYD) Booklet2 comes from the official celebrations of World Youth Day Lisbon 2023, offering a youthful and contemporary approach to the Stations, with each of them focused on a specific fragility of young people today, across the globe. 

And the 2024 Lent Calendar invites individuals to collect an item on each day throughout the season to donate to a foodbank during Holy Week.

Siân adds: “I look forward to hearing from those participating – it would be great to share parish stories.  As always I am here should you need to contact me for any ideas, requests for those in need or projects on social action.” 

All information and resources can be found at or by emailing [email protected]