Paul Norris, who is currently deputy head at The Palmer Catholic Academy, will take up his new post in September.
Cardinal Newman to be recognised as a saint
Pope Francis will canonise Blessed John Henry Newman on Sunday 13 October in St Peter’s Square, making him the first English saint recognised since the 17th century.
Diocese launches youth ministry resource for parishes
Parishes are being encouraged to consider employing youth co-ordinators to work across their partnerships.
New canons are installed
Fr Tom Lavin from St Teresa of Lisieux in Lexden and Fr Tom Hamill from St Michael’s in East Ham were installed at a Mass in Brentwood Cathedral.
Bishops welcome Vatican document on gender
The text proposes listening and dialogue rather than ideology, the Bishops say.
Will you lobby MPs on climate action?
CAFOD is asking parishioners across the diocese to join a mass lobby of Parliament on 26 June to ask politicians to take more rapid action on climate change.
Creation Masses raise awareness of climate crisis
CAFOD is asking parishes across the diocese to foster conversations about the climate emergency this month – and put pressure on politicians to take more rapid action.
Diocese honours young citizens
Young people living out the Gospel message in their parishes and schools received citizenship awards from Bishop Alan at Brentwood Cathedral recently.
“It is not just about migrants, but about all of us”
In his message for the 2019 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis says fear and a throw-away culture lead to the rejection and exclusion of people seeking a better life.
Helping refugees to settle in the UK
Listen to a podcast to find out more about the Community Sponsorship Scheme: a direct response to Pope Francis’ call to take in refugee families.