Register now for 22 April for exclusive reading and a question and answer session with Dina Nayeri.
Register now for 22 April for exclusive reading and a question and answer session with Dina Nayeri.
Find parishes streaming Mass online.
‘What is Man? A Journey through Biblical Anthropology’ considers a vast array of topics concerning the Bible’s presentation of human beings.
Listen to an Easter message from Bishop Alan Williams sm.
You can listen to Fr Adrian Graffy’s audio commentaries on two of the Easter Vigil readings on whatgoodnews.com.
A family from Hertfordshire began a YouTube channel called “One of Nine” in November 2020 to give a window on real Catholic life and connect with others across the country.
Cardinal Nichols and Archbishop McMahon are encouraging Catholics to make Tuesday 23 March, the anniversary of the first national lockdown, a day of prayer as well as reflection.
Join Fr Stephen Myers for a Mass dedicated to all those in our school communities and families who have died during the Pandemic.
Pope Francis reflects on his historic visit to Iraq where he saw all around him the “joy of welcoming Christ’s message” and “the hope of being open to a horizon of peace and fraternity”.
A new document from the Pontifical Biblical Commission traces the development of anthropological themes throughout the Bible, focusing on questions which are very much to the fore now: how should human beings treat the created world? How should we behave as brothers and sisters? Join Professor Nuria Calduch-Benages for the launch of the English translation on Saturday 20 March at www.whatgoodnews.org