Could this be you? The Diocese is looking to recruit both a Director of Youth Ministry and an Assistant Manager at recruit centre Walsingham House at Abbotswick.
Could this be you? The Diocese is looking to recruit both a Director of Youth Ministry and an Assistant Manager at recruit centre Walsingham House at Abbotswick.
This year’s Sponsored Sleepout, organised by BCYS, will take place at the beginning of April at Walsingham House at Abbotswick. All welcome.
To mark his 50th birthday later this year, Fr Dominic Howarth is cycling 5,000 kilometres on a static bike to raise money for local charities. Please sponsor him if you can.
Applications for the BCYS Summer Lourdes Pilgrimage will close on Friday 10 January. Don’t miss out on this wonderful experience!
National Youth Sunday in England and Wales falls this weekend. Speakers from the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service will be appealing for your support at Masses across the Diocese.
“Pope Francis’ words encourage all of us to consider the poorest and most vulnerable.”
Spend a gap year growing your own faith and developing skills for your professional life, says Walsingham House at Abbotswick Co-ordinator Joe Beattie.
First used at this month’s Youth Mass, the leaflet highlights aspects of Newman’s life and journey in a way that will engage young people.
The annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year was ‘a week infused with faith and joy’ as young people from 46 parishes supported pilgrims with varying needs from across the Diocese.
The Young Christian Workers of England & Wales have issued a statement at the conclusion of the Reunion of European YCW Leaders’ Conference.