If you have been preparing for Confirmation this year, this message is for you.
If you have been preparing for Confirmation this year, this message is for you.
Join BCYS and Fr Dominic for a special Mass on Pentecost Sunday at 10.30am via Instagram or Youtube.
Bishop Alan has asked parishioners across the diocese to take part in a national prayer initiative on Pentecost Sunday.
Pope Francis’ message for World Communications Day: “We need to make our own the truth contained in good stories, stories that build up, not tear down; stories that help us rediscover our roots and the strength needed to move forward together.”
Bishop Paul Mason thanks everyone who is helping to look after the mental health of family, neighbours or strangers.
Believers from all religions are invited to come together for a Day of Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity on Thursday 14 May. Join an interfaith prayer service online from Hornchurch at 7pm.
Bishop McAleenan said the government needs urgently to tackle the known structural inequalities that have left some communities paying such a high price.
Fr Gerald Gostling, our man in the Diocese of Dundee, writes on life in lockdown.
Listen to thoughts and messages from three of our priests in training.