Read about Pope Francis’ Social Encyclical and its vision to heal a broken world.
Read about Pope Francis’ Social Encyclical and its vision to heal a broken world.
Please get involved in CAFOD’s series of online events for Family Fast Day from 8-11 October. Coronavirus means this year it is even more important.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference has published recordings of the speeches made by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the UK 10 years ago on Spotify, Apple Podcast and other channels.
Please do consider sponsoring them for taking on this challenge and supporting CAFOD’s coronavirus appeal.
Fr Tom Jordan’s funeral Mass at St Edward’s, Romford, where he had been parish priest for 17 years, saw hundreds lining the streets to pay their respects.
The service was heard across all 39 BBC local radio stations, with an estimated audience of half a million listeners. Here is a link to listen again.
The East London Citizens Organisation (TELCO) has launched a film that highlights the broken promises around the London’s Olympic housing legacy and calls on policymakers to honour the pledges they made and work with TELCO for a New Deal on the Olympic Park.
Brentwood celebrates its newest transitional deacon: Rev Michael Barwick. Please pray for him.
The ordination of Michael Barwick as a transitional deacon will take place this weekend. You can watch it livestreamed from Our Lady of Lourdes & St Joseph, Leigh-on-Sea,
Ten years after he whispered to Pope Benedict of his thoughts on priesthood, Paschal Uche was ordained in Brentwood Cathedral before a congregation few in number but full of joy.