Asbestos Management for Responsible Persons in Schools
Please note this is a repeat of the webinars which took place in February 2023, June 2023, and September 2023, if you attended any of the previous training sessions, you do not need to attend again unless you wish to.
Who should attend?
This is compulsory online training session for schools, targeted at individuals who have responsibility for asbestos management within their school. It is expected that at least one representative from each diocesan school will attend the webinar. The responsible person for managing asbestos in the diocese’s schools should be specified in the school’s asbestos management plan and is normally the school headteacher. Responsible persons in schools built before 2000 are strongly urged to attend either this course or the same course which will be repeated on 6 June 2023. Asbestos is a serious issue for schools, pupils, staff, the diocese, and the Health & Safety Executive. This course is also open to Executive Headteachers, Headteachers, Heads of School, School Business Managers, Governors responsible for health and safety.
Course dates
Owing to the importance of this topic, the webinar will run in February 2023 and will be repeated again in June 2023 for anyone unable to attend the first date.
Alan Procter, London Manager, Airborne Environmental Consultants
This course will cover :
Asbestos in schools – a general introduction to management.
What management surveys should include, and when and how to update them.
What asbestos management plan need to include, when they should be reviewed, and by whom.
What training various members of staff need to undertake and how regularly.
How and where to book training, how long courses take and how much they tend to cost.
What happens during a HSE visit to look at asbestos management.
What the responsible person needs to ensure happens when contractors visit the school.
What the responsible person needs to ensure happens when a building project is undertaken at the school.
Questions in advance :
If you have any questions in regard to this topic, these can be submitted to the diocese in advance.
Facilitator :
David Gatheral, Diocesan Buildings Development Officer
To book your place please complete this form