Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP will give two talks on the ‘Joy of the Gospel’, considering the theme of joy in Luke, John and Paul, on Saturday 24 October. Talks, which are promoted by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, will begin at 11 am and at 2 pm.
Contact the CBA by email to [email protected]
Due to covid restrictions the event will be live streamed from Blackfriars Oxford.
To access please go to and click on live stream remote services.
Jesus says: ‘Enter into the joy of your Lord’ (Mt 25:21). This invitation is indeed what we need to hear in a time of Covid. There are different flavours of joy in the New Testament. Fr Timothy will look at Luke’s understanding in the first session, and then at that of Paul and John. Which is closest to your experience? Which do you need to savour more deeply?
Fr Timothy was Master of the Dominicans from 1992-2001, and has had an extensive worldwide teaching and preaching ministry.
Before the Tier 2 restrictions came in, the event was to be held at the church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park. Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest at Gidea Park and notable biblical scholar, said: “These talks will be available in due course on the website ”