The Vicariate for Evangelisation has a mandate to support the parishes of the Diocese in the work of preparing adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, and in the work of preparing parents for the baptism of their babies or young children. The Vicariate for Pastoral Formation has a similar mandate for the reception of the sacraments by older children and young people.
Baptism for Infants and Children
Baptism (sometimes known as “christening”) is the sacrament by which a baby, child or adult becomes a member of the Church. The preparation of parents for their child’s baptism is the responsibility of the local Catholic parish (or, in some cases, an appropriate ethnic chaplaincy). Enquiries should therefore be made at your nearest parish.
Becoming a Catholic as an Adult (RCIA)
Adults who are considering the possibility of joining the Catholic Church usually join a parish-based programme known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Enquiries should be directed to your local parish.
For more information, see the RCIA page in the Faith section of this website.