This month we feature St Vincent de Paul Society and a piece by the new Membership Development Officer for our diocese,Jenny Clayton
Who are the SVP Article May 2019
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI explained that the true nature of our Catholic Church is to be found in the three fold responsibility to proclaim the word, celebrate the sacraments and exercise the ministry of charity. This is reflected in the objectives set out in the Vision Document: Shaping Our Future. Charity, Justice and Social Action play a key part of our Renewal.
In November 2018 on the World Day of the Poor we launched Caritas Diocese of Brentwood and a new website
Please take a moment to explore the site and in particular the “Search for a charity” function. Exercising the ministry of charity is not only a responsibility but it is also a means of evangelising our diocese. It is one way that we show our love of Christ and share Christ’s love with others.
By sharing news of what is going on in your Parish Partnership you can inspire others, share good practice and even share mistakes from which others can learn. In turn you can be inspired by what is going on in other Parish Partnerships and other charities and groups operating in our diocese.
You might want to start a project similar to one being undertaken elsewhere and the website will provide you with contact information and details that will enable you to talk directly to someone who has wisdom to share. This will save time and duplication of effort.
Volunteers are vital to many charities and charitable projects and the website provides a way of finding opportunities to volunteer and for advertising your need for volunteers.
Over time the map on the website will enable more people to get involved and so please share your news and your stories with us. You can send them to [email protected]
Read an article by Steven Webb, first published in the Catholic Times: CARITAS IN ACTION article for Catholic Times
Whatever you did to the least of my sisters and brothers, you did to me.