12 Strands of Renewal
Our Diocesan Vision Document: Shaping Our Future asks every Parish Partnership to use the new structure as a means to evangelisation. It emphasises that Renewal is more important than Restructuring yet dependent upon it. To help achieve the evangelisation of our diocese there are 12 Strands of Renewal to provide a focus for our efforts in the coming years.
Each strand can stand alone but together the become an effective way for us to fulfil our objectives.
- Charity, Justice and Social Action
- Christian Life and Worship
- Education
- Family
- Formation
- Integration
- Leaders
- Material Assets
- Prayer and Spirituality
- Priests and People
- Vocations to the Priesthood
- Young People
Click on a Strand to find additional information and stories from around our wonderful diocese.
See how each of these 12 strands might fit into your Parish Partnership Plan. These are only suggestions for your consideration and there are no hard and fast rules as to what should go into your plan. Let us know if you have any suggested amendments, alterations or additions.