Lenten lectures at Brentwood Cathedral

A series of four Lenten lectures are to take place on successive Wednesdays during March in Brentwood Cathedral Parish Hall. They begin at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Free entry.

Wed 4 March

The Bible: alive and active or dead and irrelevant?

Professor Anthony Towey, Director of Aquinas Centre, St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London.



Wed 11 March

Reading the Bible: the challenges of interpretation

Professor John Barton, Oriel & Laing, Emeritus Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford.



Wed 18 March

Sharing the Good News: Sacred scripture as beacon and promise

Dr Maria Heath, chair of Catholic Charismatic Renewal.



Wed 25 March

The Gospel: the power or cause of shame and division?

Rev Dr Richard Ounsworth OP, Scripture lecturer, Blackfriars, Oxford.



Further details on Brentwood Cathedral website: www.cathedral-brentwood.org