We will be continually adding to this section to help you find those key Diocesan and good practice documents quickly and easily 

Academies and CMATS

Academy Trust Governance Guide (March 2024)

Academy Trust Handbook 2023

Diocese of Brentwood Catholic MAT Articles

Diocese of Brentwood Catholic SAT Articles

Diocesan Scheme of Delegation (September 2024)

Setting up an academies complaints procedure (DfE)

Trust Director Application Nomination Form (Diocese of Brentwood June 2023)

Voluntary-Aided Schools Converting to Academy Status – frequently asked questions

Governor Recruitment

Foundation Governor Application Form 2018 (Diocese of Brentwood)

Foundation Governor Flyer (BDES 2023)

Governor Visits – Diocesan Model Policy

Model Induction Checklist 2023 (BDES)

Nomination Disclosure Form – reappointment of an existing foundation governor (BDES 2023)

Nomination Disclosure Form – New foundation governor (BDES 2023)

Trust Director Application Nomination Form (Diocese of Brentwood June 2023)

CES Governance Statement for Catholic Schools (Maintained school and academy versions)

Governor and Clerk Development

CMAT Development Conference April 2003: Catholic Schools and Colleges – Building the Future Together (CES); Update from the Regional Director; Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust; Good Shepherd Catholic Trust – Central Services and Finances

Effective Complaints Management for Governors and Trustees- Delegate Pack (ERCOGS 2023)

Flyer for Clerks’ Conference 2024 (Essex Clerks’ Association)

Flyer for Governor Conference 2024

Gift-ED brochure (Anspear/Diocese of Brentwood 2023)

Governance and SEND – Responsibilities and Accountabilities (presentation by Dr Adam Boddison 2021)

Improving Church School Governance Leaflet (Hope Church School Governance online training programme)

Mental Health and Well Being Conference 2022

Prayer and Liturgy Directory presentation – What governors need to know (March 2024)

The importance of Racial Justice for our schools (23 November 2021)

Self Review Tool – Governing body annual self review (BDES revised 2024)

Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher Recruitment

Appointment of a new Primary Headteacher / Head of School / Deputy Headteacher
Please contact  Maria Shepherd, Deputy Director of Education ([email protected])

Appointment of new Secondary Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher
Please contact Cathy McKenna, Secondary Link Adviser ([email protected])

Diocesan Guidance on Definition of Practicing Catholics for Reserved Posts (BDES)

Guidance on Recruitment of Staff for Governing Boards (CES revised Sept 2022)

Model Job Description (BDES)

Model Person Specification (BDES)

Parish Priest Reference Proforma (Request for faith and character reference -Headteacher)

Parish Priest Reference Proforma (Request for faith and character reference -Deputy Headteacher)

Professional Reference Request Letter and Form (Headteacher role)

Sample Advertisement – Headteacher (BDES)

Appointing Head of RE

Parish Priest Reference Proforma (Request for faith and character reference)

Inspection of Catholic Life in Schools

Catholic School Inspection (CSI) Checklist for Governors (BDES Nov 2022)

Catholic Schools Inspection Handbook 2023

CSI- A statement from the Catholic Schools Inspectorate (Jan 2024)

The National Framework for the Inspection of Catholic Schools, Academies and Colleges – Evaluation Schedule and Grade Descriptors (mandatory from Sept 2022)

Catholic Ethos

Admissions Update – Schools not oversubscribed by Catholics (BDES March 2022)

Admissions – Model Diocesan Guidance on Admission to Catholic Schools Sept 2023)

CES – Model Admission Arrangements

CES Guidance – 2021 School Admissions Code

CES – Model Supplementary Information Form (Admissions)

Evaluating the Distinctive Nature of a Catholic School (BDES 2019)

Governance of a Catholic School – clarification of roles and responsibilities (CES 2014)

Letter from Bishop Alan for Education Sunday 2021

Prayer and Liturgy Directory 2023 

Religious Education Directory (RED) CES 2023

Religious Education Directory- Guidance for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (CES 2024)

Sixth Form Core Religious Education (CRE) 2022 – consultation document

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

Model Policy on Staff Wellbeing (BDES 2019)

Staff Wellbeing Resource Flyer (BDES and BCCS)

Staff Wellbeing Resource Presentation (BCCS)

Wellbeing of headteachers – questions for governors (BDES)


Admissions Guidance 2023 (BDES 2023)

Advice on School Admissions Certificate of Catholic Practice Nov 2021 (BDES)

Careers Guidance e-pack for schools (2019)

CES Model Codes of Conduct for Governors and Directors

CES Guidance on RE, Collective Worship and Celebration of Mass in Schools during COVID-19 (Sept 2020)

CES Guidance on School Exclusions during Coronavirus (June 2020)

Checklist -What maintained primary schools must publish online

Checklist -What maintained secondary schools must publish online

Collaboration Agreement template for maintained schools (BDES)

COVID-19: full opening of schools from March Risk Assessment and Action Plan

Diocesan Protocol Document 2023 (BDES 2023)

Diocesan Scheme of Delegation template

EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium

Governor Visits (BDES 2019)

Grievance Policy 2019/20 – Outline of Changes

Guidance on Recruitment of Staff for Governing Boards (CES revised Sept 2022)

Handbook for New Chairs (BDES revised October 2023)

Handbook for New Governors (BDES revised October 2023)

Jargon Buster  (BDES revised September 2023)

Instrument of Government – Guidance for maintained schools on changing the Instrument of Government

Instrument of Government – Model Template (maintained schools)

Learning to Love – An introduction to Catholic Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) for Catholic Educators

Mission Statement Review – setting and reviewing the school’s mission statement (2016)

Model Governance Statements for Catholic schools (CES)

Model Catholic Primary RSE curriculum (CES autumn 2019)

Model Catholic Secondary RSE curriculum (CES autumn 2019)

Model Diocesan Guidance on Admission to Catholic Schools (BDES Sept 2023)

Monitoring Remotely – Guidance for governing bodies during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)

Ofsted Checklist for Governors (BDES 2022)

Permanent Exclusions – Checklist for Governors

Protocol for Virtual Meetings (2020)

Racism in Catholic Schools – Statement of Commitment (BDES Dec 2021)

Return to School September Governor Checklist

RSE – A Governor Audit for Monitoring RSE (CES 2020)

RSE – Model RSE Policy (Diocese of Brentwood)

Safeguarding Checklist for Governors (BDES revised March 2024)

Safeguarding A whole-school response to Everyone’s Invited (BDES June 2021)

Secondment Agreement – Guidance Document (BDES May 2020)

SEND Code of Practice – Chapter 6 

Single Central Record (SCR) – Monitoring Checklist (2019)

Teaching Personnel – Catholic Schools Recruitment Partnership

Training Link Governor – model job description (BDES 2023)

Training Link Governor – training report (BDES 2023)

Trust Director Nomination/Application Form (Diocese of Brentwood revised September 2022)

Understanding your Data – a guide for school governors and academy trustees (ESFA)

Ways of Working Protocol (Sept 2022)

Welcome new governors revised Oct 2023 (BDES revised Oct 2023)