Renowned biblical scholar Fr Adrian Graffy is to conduct a study day at the Sion Centre for Dialogue and Encounter in London. The day is entitled: From Zechariah to Agabus: The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts and will take place on Thursday 29 November from 11am to 3.15pm.
The Holy Spirit is referred to more frequently in Luke than any other gospel. Fr Adrian will examine what is said about the Holy Spirit in both the Gospel of Luke and in Luke’s second work, the Acts of the Apostles, starting with Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, and ending with Agabus, the Christian prophet who warns St Paul of the dangers which lie ahead. How can these New Testament writings guide our understanding of the Spirit’s work, and our discernment for the future? As Pope Francis has said, the church is a ‘protected space’ in which the Spirit can act.
Contact the Sion Centre, 34, Chepstow Villas, London, W11 2QZ on [email protected] or 0207 313 8286 for details.
Please bring a packed lunch. There is a suggested donation of £15 to cover costs.
Tea/coffee will be served from 10.30am. All welcome.
Fr Adrian is parish priest at Christ the Eternal High Priest in Gidea Park and a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission.