The need for vision and strategic direction
In light of significant new structural changes to education, the Diocese of Brentwood Education Department must ensure that it has a strategic plan that is fit for purpose and which will meet the new needs of our Catholic schools as the educational landscape develops. It must also ensure that it retains a relevant and meaningful role in our schools and indeed work to develop new roles as opportunities arise. There is no question that we are at an important juncture and the next 5 years will be critical for schools and the Diocese of Brentwood Education Department itself. The following areas form the Diocesan vision of what this might look like in practice.
Provision of Essential Diocesan Functions
In light of the vision for Catholic education in the Diocese of Brentwood and the responsibility we have to preserve, protect and develop Catholic education there are a number of essential functions that as a diocese we must carry out. The following link is to a non-exhaustive list of the functions we undertake.