Come together for the Season of Creation


Siân Thomas-Cullinan, Director of Caritas Diocese of Brentwood, writes:

We are swiftly approaching the month of September and the Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October).

This is when the Christian family unites for a worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home, known as the Season of Creation. We each share a common call to care for creation, and this year, the theme for the season is ‘To hope and act with Creation’. Romans 8:19-25

Caritas Diocese of Brentwood has prepared a range of resources for parishes including:

  • Novena to St Francis of Assisi: Novena to St Francis, which can be given as a handout or displayed
  • Changing habits day by day: SoC Day by Day poster (please note this is more suitable for 16+)

If you have stories about anything you have done to help wildlife, save energy, or begin conversations about the environment, we would love to hear from you. Please share an image or images with some bullet points explaining what has been done. This can then be shared on the Caritas and Diocesan website and social media. It may inspire others!