Lenten talks at Brentwood Cathedral

The Dean of Brentwood Cathedral, Canon John Harvey, has organised a series of four Lenten talks on the recent Synod on Synodality, which took place in Rome last October.

They will be given by four speakers who were participants at the Synod.

Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP (Wednesday 21 February 2024) who was appointed by the Pope as the Guest Preacher and Spiritual Director for the whole Synod;

Revd Dr Jan Nowotnik, (Wednesday 28 February 2024) Director of Mission for the Bishops’ Conference, and its National Ecumenical Officer;

Austen Ivereigh, (Wednesday 6 March 2024) Roman Catholic journalist, biographer of Pope Francis; writer, speaker on contemporary Church affairs;

Bishop Nicholas Hudson, (Wednesday 13 March 2024) Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, (former Rector of the Venerable English College, Rome), appointed delegate at the Synod last October.

All the talks will take place at Brentwood Cathedral at 7.30pm.

Canon John says: “Hopefully these talks will be inspiring and informative, as all our speakers were participants in the Synod last October, and will return this October to complete the second of the sessions on Synodality. Following the Bishop’s recent Pastoral Letter on Shaping Our Future, this will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Synod on Synodality. This invitation is open to the whole Diocese.”