“The Holy Spirit is often the least understood of the Holy Trinity but can be the most powerful in the effect it can have on our lives.” Why not find out more at these inspiring 'Life in the Spirit' sessions at Brentwood?
A revelatory moment in a church in Barcelona brought Rob Kizik to a RCIA course at Brentwood Cathedral - and a pilgrimage to raise funds for CAFOD. Jess McGreal writes.
Nearly 200 people planning to become Catholics at Easter came from around 40 parishes across the diocese to meet Bishop Alan and feel part of the wider Church.
The Bishops’ Conference and the God Who Speaks have produced a new resource called ‘Turning Tables’, which helps Catholics use Scripture and their faith to inspire effective social justice action.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference, has written to Pope Francis to assure the Holy Father of the prayerful support of Catholics in England and Wales. The Holy Father remains in Gemelli Hospital in Rome, contending with pneumonia and a respiratory tract infection. Cardinal Nichols wrote: “[I] assure you of the prayers of
This academic year, the New Hall School community has also collected 588kg of donations in their Harvest Festival and World Food Day collections for the Chelmsford Foodbank, as one of their chosen local charities.